Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Did you hear me

Today as I sat next to your mom, you started to move. I hope your heard me. I hope that you were responding to my voice. I cannot believe there is only 6 days left until I meet you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The countdown for my unborn child.

The countdown begins. There is one week left until I finally meet you. I am not scared. I am a little nervous. The “what if’s” kind of sneak into my head, but I am not worried. What if I am not everything that I should be to you? What if I did not do a good job? I don’t know the future will tell. I haven’t even met you, and I already have questions for you. It sounds so weird but I am excited to shake your hand. I am excited to see your smile and to hear your voice. I know I won’t hear your voice in the terms of you actually speaking, but the noises you make. I figured the noises Sherman makes, I am pretty sure I can figure out yours. I speak dog, I might as well through add infant to my list. I cannot wait.